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Offering Detail Basic Online Presence Online Presence Plus + e-commerce Custom e-commerce
Pages Standard 3 Pages Standard 5 Pages Standard 5 Pages Standard 5 Pages
Template Choose from available list:
  • Customer can customize layout
  • Customer can customize color selections
Choose from available list:
  • Customer can customize layout
  • Customer can customize color selections
Choose from available list:
  • Customer can customize layout
  • Customer can customize color selections
Create your own
  • Should give the customer some kind of design parameters
Contact Form 1 Custom form included 1 Custom form included 1 Custom form included 1 Custom form included
Product Upload N/A N/A Up to 20 included in price Up to 20 included in price
Image Editing Optional Optional Optional Optional
Logo Design Will upload customer-provided artwork Will upload customer-provided artwork Will upload customer-provided artwork Professional Logo  Design  (1 of 3 Choices)
SEO-Ready Design Included Included Included Included
Dedicated Design & Support Team Included Included Included Included
Image Selections Customer Provided Customer Provided Customer Provided Customer Provided
Merchant Account Setup N/A N/A Customer applies, we implement Customer applies, we implement
Payment Gateway Integration N/A N/A or PayPal or PayPal
Commerce Application N/A N/A osCommerce osCommerce
Flash or other animation Optional at additional cost Optional at additional cost Optional at additional cost Optional at additional cost
Adherence to Industry Standard Development Methodologies Wouldn’t have it any other way… Wouldn’t have it any other way… Wouldn’t have it any other way… Wouldn’t have it any other way…
Warranty 30 days from handoff for bug fixes 30 days from handoff for bug fixes 30 days from handoff for bug fixes 30 days from handoff for bug fixes
Additional Web Site Design Services   Pricing
Additional Web Pages Total cost to build and integrate a new page into an existing or new site, including content and customer provided images. $125.00 Per Page
Text Editing / Copywriting / Editing Writing or editing web page copy per page. $50.00 Per Page
RSS Feeds Install RSS feed capabilities. $100.00
Basic Database Setup Basic setup of MySQL database, and integration with customers website, either a form or one other on-site element. $500.00
Rolling News Feed Implementation of feature which displays stories or other important announcements defined by the web site owner to visitors. $250.00
Logo Design (Web Only) We provide up to 3 alternatives, customer chooses 1, in web format only. $200.00
Logo Design (Web & Print) We provide up to 3 alternatives, customer chooses 1, in web and high quality print formats. $300.00
Flash Intro or Animation Includes either a 5-10 second Flash intro movie or inserting Flash-animated promotions or ads to certain pages on your site. $500.00
Custom Template Development Custom design and layout for clients that want something other than a defined template layout. $600.00
Product Upload (Per 10 Products) Upload and integration with site and shopping cart for 10 customer-provided product or service images. $100.00
Multi-picture Product Setup (10 Products) Upload and integrate with site and shopping cart, up to 5 images each for 10 products, with associated descriptions.  $150.00
Mass Product Upload Take a spreadsheet from the customer with their products, and upload them to their online store, including product name, description, price, and one image per product. $500.00
Discount Functionality Implementation Implement functionality into the customers’ online store which would enable them to offer discounts to customers based on one of the following: quantity or price, or based on the presentation of a coupon code, or their affiliation with a group who has negotiated a discount. $400.00
Shipping Implementation Implement functionality into the customers’ online store which would enable them to calculate shipping rates based on the product or products purchased.  Customer would need to provide product dimensions to complete this activity. $500.00
On Sale Module Implement functionality into the customers’ online store which would enable them to identify products to be separated from others as “On Sale”. $500.00
Live Chat Installation Install Live Person or other customer-provided chat software on customers’ website to help them deliver a higher level of support to their customers. $50.00
Guest Book Install a guest book onto customers website. $50.00
Online Forum Develop and install an online forum onto the customers website to help cultivate a community of users talking about the customers service or product. $250.00
Visitor Counter Install basic counter of unique visitors.  We may want to consider taking the opportunity here to install Google Analytics on their site and begin tracking statistics. $50.00
Contact Form One contact form is provided with each Web site development project.  If the customer wants another form somewhere else within their site, this is the item to choose.  By default, the responses are sent via email to a customer-determined location. $150.00
Customer Login Section Create and implement a members-only section of the Web site. $250.00
One-Hour of Web Programming Whatever you need, if we can do it, and it can be done in an hour, we will.  A good option for exploratory services to gather requirements, or to bundle together to get those last few items you need for the Web site of your dreams. Contact for price
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